I realized that I haven't done an update in a while and that I am really slacking with my posting...tisk tisk!
Jonathan is almost done with his MBA. He will be starting his LAST class next week and he is more than excited. He has also promised to help me remove the wallpaper on the stairs when he gets done, so you are all my witnesses!
James is trucking along getting bigger and smarter everyday! He is starting to use sentences and string them together. It is very interesting to hear his thoughts and have little conversations with him. He will also be starting a music class in a couple of weeks and we are very excited about it. He will be mostly playing with instruments and learning beats, but when he turns 3 he will start learning notes and playing a piano. The program ends at age 7 and by the end they can play the piano in 3 different keys and write their own music. He loves music so we are really excited to get him in the program. I also love that he will have an new activity and make some new friends.
I am working hard on being pregnant and enjoying the prospect of another little baby in the house, if not the pregnant part! I can't wait to find out the gender so I can start decorating the nursery, even though I shouldn't wish for more projects to start with all the other ones I need to finish...the kitchen wallpaper is STILL half down....tisk tisk! haha