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Thursday, January 31, 2013

Hot dogs, marshmallows and star gazing

Finally had a day warm and dry enough for a fire in my swanky new fire pit. We broke out the marshmallows and hot dogs and had a dandy time. ;)
We also got to look at the stars with our new iPad app Night Sky. It is the most fun! You just point the screen at it shows you the names of stars and constilations. It also shows satellites and constellations on the other side of the earth. It is way fun! :)

roasting hot dogs


Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Chalk Mat

My little family is gearing up for a trip to Orlando! We are super excited and ready to get going, James asks everyday when we are going to go!
I am excited, but for me getting ready for a trip is like preparing for combat. I do the usual packing planning, who needs what for the trip. Then, of course, the actual packing. But my favorite part of the trip battle plan is the activities for the kids. I love finding and making fun things for the kiddos to do.
This trip we are going to road test Chalk Mats.

chalk cloth (fabric store or online)
2 same size squares of thick fabric
two ribbons (made or bought)

Sew your cut chalk cloth to one layer of fabric then face the two sides together and sew on just 3 sides. Pull it right side out. Fold inward and sew the 4th side and continue all the way around. It gives it a nicer look and I think makes it sturdier. Attach your closure ribbon to one side and your Velcro cloth holder and chalk holder pocket to the other side.
All done but the fun!!
Make sure you prepare your chalk cloth before using it. You simply rub it down with chalk and wipe off. I you ever wash it off with water you will have to prep it again.
 handy dandy wiper holder. A tie and a strip of Velcro to secure it in place when not in use. choose a semi-fluffy and soft fabric scrap for this dirty job.

And then make yourself a little pocket for all the colorful chalk you need for making your masterpieces

All rolled up and ready to go!
Monday, January 28, 2013

Harry Potter Grimm Cup

We all love harry potter, so when I saw this cup on Pinterest I HAD to make it!
I used a glass paint pin I picked up at the mother ship (aka hobby lobby)
All you do is draw, bake and enjoy! :)

I am having so much fun with my paint pins that I am going to post some on my etsy page, check it out!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Fancy Nancy Birthday

Lilly-bug's fabulously Fancy Nancy 2nd Birthday

Fancy Nancy inspired birthday dress!

Pink Fluffy Topiary
Items Needed
-foam ball
-small wooden dowel (I cut mine in half to make two)
-craft paper
-6 in flat round foam piece
-a bit of tulle
You should be able to get all you need from your local craft store.

Hot glue the boa to the foam ball in a spiral pattern. Then wrap the round flat foam piece in scrap paper for the base, secure with glue. Your scrapbook paper should be much taller than the foam piece. Then attach them together with a small wooden dowel.  Add a little hot glue to the joints just in case. Lastly, stuff the bit of tulle all around inside the base.
I add a couple rocks from my garden down under the tulle so it wouldn't tip over as easily.

Crafts! Crowns and princess wands for everyone!
Displayed in fancy fabric covered cardboard boxes ;)

Boas, Jewelery and Nail Polish Station

Bugs, baby!

"I" is for insect.
The kiddos have really loved learning about and making bugs!
James did some great work on his worm (could also be a snake) and Lillian really had fun seeing her butterfly fly! She talks about it every time we pass it ;)
Simply paint toliet paper rolls then cut in half for the worm's segments and string them together with colored pipe cleaner, easy as pie!

Blue Goo!

This was a great hit! He loved getting to squish and pull the goo. I think is favorite thing was putting the goo into a cup and dumping it back into he main bowl. He like how it maintained it's shape.

Goo recipe:
1 part liquid starch
1 part clear liquid glue
Food coloring

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Penny Bugs Game

Super cute penny bug board game. Great for counting and learning to take turns, not Lillian's favorite part but we got the hang of it!

Check it out and print your own!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Sandpaper Art

James requested a project this rainy, cold, icky winter day, and Mommy/Pinterest came to his rescue! I scrounged up some sand paper and old play shirts, James set up the crayons, and voilà, sandpaper art!

All you need is fine sandpaper, crayons, a piece of card board, some wax paper, an iron, shirts and willing munchkins!

Once the the art is completed heat your iron to the Cotten setting. Sandwich your cardboard inside the shirt, the artwork on top and the wax paper on top of that. Heat for about 30 second and then reap the Your-An-Awesome-Mom rewards!