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Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Yarn Wreath
It is harder than you think to wrap a wreath in yarn!
I didn't take step by step pictures of this one, but basically it is a wreath and foam balls wrapped in yarn, and Christmas tree balls. Hot glue it and add your snowflake and you are good to go!

Paper Leaf Wreath

Trace out leafs on at least 8 pieces of scrapbook paper

Hot glue strips of scrapbook paper to the outside of foam wreath and hot glue on leaves

Use a ribbon to add a hanger to back

11 months old!

Almost 1 year!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2011

10 Months

I know I say it every month, but it is true every month, I can't believe how big she is! She is getting so big so fast! She has been walking for a while now and is getting pretty good, and has 6 little teeth. :) Almost all grown up ;)


Thing 1 and Thing 2 take over Halloween! :)

Monday, October 31, 2011

McGee farms

We recently joined a Homeschool social group and have really been enjoying the activities so far. A couple of weeks ago the kids go to go to a pumpkin farm and pick pumpkins, feed chickens and goats and go on a hay ride. :) lots of fun:)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Little Critters

Craftying crafting!
I am making these little animals, they are super fun and cute! If you want one of your own, messege or email me! Or check out my facebook "My crafty momma"
I will be periodically adding the crafty things I am making to the blog and on My Crafty Momma on Facebook.
Next up is Tutus and holiday wreaths!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Orlando baby!

Harry Potter World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We got to see Hogwarts and eat at The Three Broomsticks, which was yummy! We also hit the beach, which Lillian LOVED and James tolerated. ;) He did have fun building in the sad and collecting sea shells. Lillian loved the water and the sand, mostly just trying to eat it.

9 months

Better late than never! I am so sorry about the lag lately! We were on vacation in Orlando (move pictures of that to follow this post) and then as soon as we get back we (lillian and myself) get sick! ickie! but we are better now :)
Anyway here is Lilly bugs 9 month pictures! So big and so cute!
Friday, August 19, 2011

My sweet babies playing in the playroom! they are such buds and are really getting good and playing together. Hopfully James will keep getting better at being soft...or Lillian will learn to bite him! haha!

Sunday, August 7, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Grandkids

Pictures I took for a gift from the Daughter-in-laws for MiMi's Birthday! The kids all look so cute and MiMi just loved it!

7 Months! WooHoo!

7 Months! She is starting to get around, but I think she is going to be an early walker like her brother! She is more interested in trying to pull up than in learning to crawl well enough to really get around! But she is making it work ;)
Thursday, July 21, 2011

James and the little corn

We have managed to get a few things to grow in our little garden. Here is James with one of the corns we got. They were small but very yummy! :)
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

6 Months!!

Half way to a year already! Can you believe it! Still so little, but getting bigger every day :)
(and i only made the bow this time!)

Watch our Garden Grow

We have really been enjoying our garden, and are really really enjoying the fact that we have kept it alive and producing veggies! Our standards were pretty low for this year. We knew that our first year's victory would be measured by 1) Live adult plants and 2) At least one handfull of veggies. So far so good!
Hooray Us!