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Monday, October 7, 2013

Classical conversations

We are embarking on our Classical Conversations journey this school year!
So far we are really enjoying it and James seems to be responding to the curriculum very well.

If you are unfamiliar with Classical Conversations, it is based heavily on memorization and the classical model of learning. (the classical in Classical Conversations) ;)

I am really loving it because it is very paperwork light! We go over our memory work with the aid of maps and songs, we read literature about a time period or idea, watch videos and do projects to reinforce the memorized work.

We still have to do our own math and reading work, but even that is just books and an online program Explode the Code.

All in all we are having fun so far this year!

Here is a smattering of what we have been up to...

Visiting the AWESOME replicas of the Nina and Pinta at the Florence Harbor  

Making a Medieval castle 
Our representation of the water cycle