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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Cake Biz Names

As you know I like to make cakes! I have been offered a way to actually get the business off the ground, but I have to get a name! I like the name "Tiffany's Cake Couture" but I need to know if it is confusing or difficult. Another name I like is "The Cakery".
So let me know if you like either name and tell me any suggestion that you have!!!

PS you can write a comment without having a g-mail account, just post it "anonymous"...just sign you name at the end of the post. :)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Old pictures of James

I finally got the backlog of pictures off of my camera and on to my computer and found these of James. They are of him about a day to a week old. He was so small! The one of him crying was his first bath...really more of a wet scrub down...

Cakes: something old something new...

Two cakes to post today.
A new cake that I made for Rory Jr's birthday...and what better cake to do than spongebob. Spongebob is to Rory what peanut butter is to jelly ;)
The old cake was for the Christmas party back in December. I just now got a hold of a picture, I forgot my camera so I had to bum one from someone else!
And as always everything is edible and made by me ;)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

James in his walker

I can't believe that he is not only touching the floor but able to move, at least one way! Soon he will be having all sorts of fun coasting through the house! :)


James loves to sit out on the porch and look at the yard and the cats. I looked out at him and saw that he had fallen back on his boppy and looked like he was taking a relaxing sun was too cute.
Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sleeping Angel

He is finally sleeping through most nights and we are loving it!!!!!!! He is also takeing much better naps which are great for me. I think one thing that will continue to help is the sleeping time song that i am singing, "My Grandfathers clock", It is very relaxing and having a nap routine, just like a bedtime routine is supposed to really help.
Anyway here he is napping with Bearington Bear.
Monday, January 5, 2009

Bragging Rights

James is growing like a little weed! He is sitting up almost with no help. If he gets over excited he will forget to steady himself, but he is doing really well otherwise. He is also getting some hair. He no longer looks like a little old man with a hair fringe. It is not long but it is there.
He is also still teething, the poor baby can't catch a brake! They keep going in and out all over his little mouth! I am guessing that when they do come in he will get a lot all at once.
Sadly we are going to have to start letting him learn to get to sleep on his own. We have tried everything and he is still waking up over and over all night! So we are starting "sleep training", which will not be any kind of fun! Hopefully when it is over though we will all get to sleep!!!
Jonathan is working hard as always, but now he is also working on his writing. He has always had an inclination in that direction and now he is pursuing it.
He has started a blog called Bible Gems. The "Bible Gems" he wants to collect into a book, and the other part is reviewing books for DeWard Publishing. Which he is super super excited about! He is so cute. ;) He has also started working on a book on Leviticus. Can we say "Multitask"!