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Friday, August 31, 2012

Almost No Sew Tutu

If your little bit is anything like mine she loves to dress up, we call her fancy Nancy! So as you can imagine this tutu is a big hit with her!
Here is a guide to help you get your project juices flowing and make one for your little girl!

You will need:
~ One roll of tulle per color. Use as many colors as you like, I only used black and white for this tutu.
~ A couple rolls of coordinating ribbon
~ Elastic

First measure the elastic to fit around your child's waist, cut and sew with a zigzag stitch to create a loop. Now, no more sewing I promise!!
Now it's time to cut, cut, cut!! Decide how long you want you to tutu and cut your tulle double that. You can have it short and fluffy or long and flowy! Given the choice, I usually pick all things flowy!
Once your strips are cut fold them in half, notice the loop you have crated at the top. Place your elastic on top this loop and pull the bottom of your tulle through the loop going over the elastic.
Now repeat alternating with the ribbons attached in the same way as the tulle!

The last step is to wear and enjoy! Watch your little one's imagination run wild!
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Deadwood Hollow 5K

This year is a banner year in many ways, one way is that I am going to participate in a 5K! I have always wanted to be more athletic but never had a sport that I cared to do, enter my husband's weight loss goals and my goal to help out in any way that I can. The idea is that I can help him keep on track by working out with him and get in better shape myself! I have a goal, the 5K, and that keeps me on track. The cherry on the cake is that the 5K isn't just a run of the mill 5K it is a run from the zombies 5K! Super cool, huh! We are huge Zombie fans, holla for your Walking Dead, and can't wait for the chance to prove our post-apocalyptic chops!
Here is the link. Put on your running shoes and join the undead!!
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Halloween dress!

Finally got my little model to agree to show off my new dress, you can see the blatant use of bribery!
I really think it turned out great! It is my own pattern and super fabulous, if I do say so myself!
Check it out on my Etsy and order one for you little bit!
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Digging out the old blog!

I have opened a new Etsy store,! I am really excited about being about to do more creative things again. The kids are bigger and so (hopfully!) I will begin to have more time to do the other things that I love, namely crafting and painting. I hope to share here all those things I do and want to do! Also, all the fun stuff I get to do with my kiddos, including our latest adventure... homeschooling. :)