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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Deadwood Hollow 5K

This year is a banner year in many ways, one way is that I am going to participate in a 5K! I have always wanted to be more athletic but never had a sport that I cared to do, enter my husband's weight loss goals and my goal to help out in any way that I can. The idea is that I can help him keep on track by working out with him and get in better shape myself! I have a goal, the 5K, and that keeps me on track. The cherry on the cake is that the 5K isn't just a run of the mill 5K it is a run from the zombies 5K! Super cool, huh! We are huge Zombie fans, holla for your Walking Dead, and can't wait for the chance to prove our post-apocalyptic chops!
Here is the link. Put on your running shoes and join the undead!!