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Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family Update!!

We are all doing wonderful, especially now that the heat has finally broken (a bit)!
James and I are taking daily morning walks and he loves it! This morning we stopped at the little park area and sat for about an hour with him looking all around and kicking his feet, he just loved it. Tomorrow Jonathan is going with us, he wants to see the cuteness! ;)

Jonathan and I are both busy with more than just baby stuff. Jonathan is still working hard at his MBA and of course making all A's with hardly any perceivable just makes me sick ;) (just kidding! hehe)

I have taken up a new hobby of cake making! Dad and I are both decorating cakes together...well as together as it gets 2 states away ;)! It is really really fun!
I tell you this because Jonathan has twisted my arm in to putting up pictures of the two that I have here they are.